listen up ! your love life will thank me later

Astrologers, Psychics, & Matchmakers OH MY

Hey Hey Ur Hotness,

I have a little confession… I love watching Millionaire Matchmaker, & sometimes if the mood strikes me “The Bachelorette” (I’m not a huge fan of the Bachelor, but that’s another conversation.)

Personally I love listening to Patti on Millionaire Matchmaker go on & on about how successful she is at matchmaking, yet episode after episode showcases very few hookups. I’m going to be honest with you…

I am a pretty bad matchmaker …

The sad truth is that women pay hundreds & sometimes thousands each year going to astrologers, psychics, matchmakers & high end dating sites to understand and/or find their romantic prospects with very little success.

In fact using these services can be detrimental to your romantic health.

1.  No Accountability

Women who have the most delicious love lives are proactive in their romantic adventures. They understand that if they want something different romantically, then they must do something different romantically. When you use these services as your primary guidance in you love life, well you aren’t holding yourself accountable for the huge role you have in creating the love life you want.

Astrologers & Psychics… I have yet to hear one say to a woman… “You know, when you act batshit crazy around him, well that’s not hot.”

Most of the time they will tell you everything that is wrong with guy with no true direction. I piss women off constantly, because I hold her responsible for what’s going on with men in her life. I make her accountable, which makes her a feminine force to be reckoned with romantically and adored by many men;)

2. Heavily Weighted In Favor Of Men

Matchmaking facts… most of these agencies and sites have more women available than men. Men are designed to pursue, matchmaking diminishes his ability to pursue a woman. Primarily because he has so many options, no need for him to step up to the plate. This short circuits his natural instinct that builds lasting attraction for you. Period.

3. No Man Skillz

I was talking to a lovely lady yesterday who told me that she had done a lot of reading from some of the big love gurus, yet had very little success with their advice. Let me explain why… There are three primary components to having the romantic life you dream of.

  • Understanding what motivates men
  • Understanding who you are romantically
  • Create a dating experience that allows you to acquire the skillset required for A & B

So much of the information out there is one sided… including Astrologers, Psychics, & Matchmaking.

My dating course The Courage Kit will give you the most clarity on the type of relationship you most desire and how to have it any time you want. This type of dating when done correctly dramatically uplifts your world and makes other parts of your life exponentially more delicious.

I focus on primarily on the quality of your dating experience so you learn how to embrace the moment with men, and feel confident with men.


Because when you focus on enjoying the experience it makes you an expert for having long term relationships. Relationships are not static, and they loose their luster when they are not recreated overtime. When you learn how to date, you acquire the skills to inspire him to adore you over a lifetime.

4. No Fun Waiting on ‘The One’

Do you believe in soul mates?

What if yours isn’t scheduled to arrive for another 10 years?

What then?

Does that mean you don’t deserve or shouldn’t be seen, touched, caressed, adored, or admired by other men?

Does it mean that you should wait another 10 years to feel how your body lights up and tingles as an insanely attractive man draws you to him pressing his lips to you?

Does that mean for another 10 years you should go day after day with out any romantic affection?

Many lovely women bind themselves to the idea of  ‘The One’.  Let me set the record straight, there are many “Ones” for you, which ultimately means, as soon as you give up the idea, then you create space for a whole world of possibilities.  Dating & attracting men requires a specific skill set, certain due diligence, and lots of fun & pleasure.

Only a small percentage of people can literally just wait and their “soul mate” shows up. Even a smaller percentage have the skills plus creativity to maintain it over a lifetime. You will meet a man who inspires you, challenges you, romances you, and turns you on more than you have ever been before, if you are willing to learn what it takes.

Honestly, the concept of there only being one male option for you in your lifetime is a self implied hoax.  It is without a shadow of a doubt, a defense mechanism and you might as well throw it in the trash now.


Quit choke holding the destination and learn how to have what you want romantically over a lifetime. You are not a romantic victim. You are a sassy, sexy, brilliant romantic genius in the making. Forget the matchmaking, you don’t need it. As for the psychics and astrologers… use them for fun and entertainment purposes but please don’t rely on them as your main source of romantic advice.

Case in point: Me

Funny story, when I started my dating adventures in 06, a friend of mine (who is a great psychic) told me my next relationship was going to be with a man who’s name started with M. Well I didn’t meet a lot of men who’s name started with M… So I continued my dating adventures, and decided that I wasn’t going to worry about it. I had a blast, meeting all kinds of wonderful men. I learned so much about myself and what I wanted romantically.

One of the men really started to stand out for me as a potential relationship. Will (my current beau) and I became exclusive in March of 07. The following summer he took me to meet his family… Everyone in his family calls him by his middle name Michael (I had no idea!!!)

So whatchya trying to say Jenn?

I’m saying that if I had ignored my desire to date and meet wonderful men, I would have missed out on Will looking for the man who’s name started with M. I would have told him to take a hike because I had no idea his family called him Mike. OR I would have hyper focused my attention on him neglecting all the other men I met and not having near as much fun as I did. I learned to create a great relationship with him by dating. I learned to break the crappy patterns I had developed with men by dating, learning to understand what motivates men, and understanding who I am romantically. No astrologer, psychic, nor matchmaker required.

If you are the kind of woman who wants to be adored by the men in your life, click here

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