listen up ! your love life will thank me later

Have You Met Elizabeth?

I want you to meet someone who I met just a little over 2 months ago. Now mind you when I met her, she pretty much had convinced herself that she was “too fat, too old, too ugly, too powerless, and too stupid to have any resemblance of a romantic life.”

In fact it was almost like speaking to myself (circa my 20s)

I knew that she would end up being one of my favorite ladies to work with if I could convince her that she too had it in her to be an adored woman.  She decided to take a chance on herself and register for the Courage Kit. I couldn’t have been more excited…

Meet Elizabeth In her words:

I’ve never had a good romantic history. I’ve been the ‘buddy’, the one who is more one of the guys than the beloved. And of the four guys I dated, one was scary (he told me he loved me on our first date), one was deathly boring, one was a mooch, and the one I married was emotionally abusive.

I was told that there were no Prince Charmings and that I was stupid to want a fairy tale. And despite trying to be realistic, my heart continued to want more than I was getting.

After years of this, I was divorced, lonely, and battling feelings of self-hate and despair.

Then I met Jenn Burton. She told me that I deserved to have my dreams come true. That I am beautiful, desirable, sexy, smart, and all that is wonderful. That there are men who want to be part of my life. That I can be adored, feted, celebrated, cherished and respected. And after taking The Courage Kit – I believe it!
Eight weeks later, I have: made friends with some of the most remarkable women from all over the world (really!), fallen in love with myself, strengthened my relationships with my co-workers and improved my ability to converse with my boss, went on my first date in FOUR YEARS, and am attracting more men than I have my entire dating life until now! I no longer hear a litany of “too fat, too old, too ugly, too powerless, too stupid…” going on in my head. I have so much more confidence than I have ever had. My friends have even told me how happy they are that I have taken The Courage Kit, because they have been watching me bloom over the past eight weeks. They tell me how excited they are for my future, how impressed they are of my chutzpah to take this course, and how proud they are of how far I have come.

What has made the most difference with The Courage Kit is the overwhelming amount of loving, individualized support not only from Jenn, but from my classmates! I’ve received comments that have left me breathless and giggling, advice that slapped me upside the head and made me pay attention, and so much encouragement to face my biggest fears down like a cowboy winning a draw. And I am so grateful for all of it.

Three words that best sum up my TCK experience are:

Love (which I felt in abundance), Effervescence (which I also felt as everything began to fall into place), and Chutzpah (which I gained as I tore up my old, false beliefs and gained new wisdom).

If you are hesitating to take this class, can I tell you something? As a woman, your romantic life is really important. It is a source of confidence, energy, and peace. And if you are spending your energy on men who do nothing but take, or on men who hurt you, or on stifling any desire to date at all, it is impacting ALL of your life, and you are robbing the world of your best self.

This isn’t silly.
This isn’t selfish.
This isn’t immoral.
This is life-affirming.

And yes, you DO deserve it.



If you are the kind of woman that wants to be adored by the men in her life and adores herself…Click Here