How Do I Stop Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Men? Encore Single Smart Female

Find out in this episode of Single Smart Female
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Important Links and Mentions in this Episode:
Go back to being your Adored Woman self STAT
Mantourage date the right way
Want to surprise Jenn and show Single Smart Female your love? XO!!!
READY TO TRULY UNDERSTAND MEN: Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS Jenn’s class on the only 9 things you need to know about men to create the love life that you want. |

Emotionally Unavailable Show Notes
Essential Learning Points from this Episode:01:52 – Our listener question for today is from Ms They are Neve Emotionally Available, 37 years old from Kansas
03:10 – If you feel like most men are not emotionally available, then you need to hear this
05:35 – You have to make a choice eventually, Lovergirl
08:28 – There is a thin line that you cross when you try to understand a man and when you’re already diminishing yourself
10:26 – Adored Women are always more protective of who they are becoming versus who they have been and the pain they’ve experienced.
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