listen up ! your love life will thank me later

#FairyDustTV Episode 22, How To Make Him Miss You

Feel like he doesn’t miss you as much as you do him? No worries Lovergirl, it can change in a heartbeat. Let me show you how to make him miss you.

#FairyDustTV Video Transcript:


How To Make Him Miss YouThis is a very fun topic to talk about. But before we started, I want to tell you that if a guy is not paying the right amount of attention to you, then there is a good chance that a lot more is going on than a need for some sneaky techniques to get him to pay attention to you again. Especially if this happens all the time.

Some women believe that the only way to make a man miss them is by making him jealous. When you set the intention to make him jealous, you are being manipulative. Manipulation never works very well for a long term relationship.


BONUS: Want to get him back or figure out if he is worth the effort? Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS to Jenn’s How To Get Him Back for Breakups, Separations, or Romantic Bumps in the road

In today’s episode
we’re gonna focus on women who are in the dating phase, meaning you don’t have an exclusive relationship with somebody. So let’s get started.

How to Make Him Miss You.

How To Make Him Miss YouNo. 1 Give him the opportunity to miss you

The first thing you must do is stop calling, texting, checking his Facebook, Instagram and showing up where he is. He will not have the opportunity to miss you if you are always there.


He will not have the opportunity to miss you if you are always there and in his line of sight. We are not wired to miss people who are always there.

If he’s not paying enough attention to you, you need to retract some of your attention for right now. It doesn’t mean that you won’t go back to giving him your attention again but if you’d like him to miss you, go ahead, pull some of your attention back.
And we’re going to use the next couple of techniques to help reel him back in.

No. 2 Celebration and Gratitude

In 2006/07 during my magical dating experiences, I learned to celebrate everything that happening and not happening in my love life with a special journal. Every. Single. Moment.

Which meant, if I really really liked a specific man, instead of marrying him in my head and worrying just about him, I continued to date myself, date my friends and date other men. Then in my special journal I wrote down and celebrated every single thing going well in my life and love life.

BONUS: Don’t have any other romantic options? OPEN UP YOUR OPTIONS IN MEN TODAY! Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS to the first two chapters of my step-by-step video course E-rresistibility to create an online dating profile that leads to offline romance.


I would celebrate and get grateful for his lack of attention.

What does that mean exactly?

When I was just dating my now, husband. He would go for five weeks at a time without contacting me, which would drive most women freakin’ bonkers.

Now, I’m not gonna say that I didn’t have moments like “What the f*ck?!”, but I wasn’t bonkers.


Well, because I was celebrating what was going on with the other guys that I was dating. I was also grateful for his lack of attention and what that meant to me. I found out that there were tons of things that I could be focusing on, which were more important to my life and my happiness. Which takes me to number three.

No. 3 Focus on other aspects of your life

How To Make Him Miss YouAfter you start being grateful for his lack of attention and celebrating all the other pieces of your life, you need to pay attention to those other areas that you have been neglecting.

Because I know what happens when you start focusing on one guy.

You spend a lot of time together

and it’s all about him for a while.

You find yourself constantly checking your messages or social media to see if he has contacted you.

And the rest of your life falls to the side.

Your friends.
Your work.
Your exercise habits.
Everything starts to get neglected.

When a guy stops paying attention to you, THIS IS A SIGN OR INDICATION from your higher up or from the universe saying “Hey girl, you need to go back to the things that are really important right now.”

Take this opportunity to refocus and get caught up with the things that are really important in your life.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Most women don’t realize, when we hyper focus on one man and make it all about him before we are exclusive with him that actually pushes him away. Keep your options open and date other men at the same time to make your dating experiences magical.

BONUS: OPEN UP YOUR OPTIONS IN MEN TODAY! Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS to the first two chapters of my step-by-step video course E-rresistibility to create an online dating profile that leads to offline romance.

I’m gonna repeat for the trillionth time:
sexual exclusivity is not relationship exclusivity.

Which means you need to pay attention to these other men in your life. If you do not have relationship exclusivity with someone, you need to reel your attention in back from him and open up your options to other men right away.

At first it’s gonna feel a little awkward like somehow you’re betraying him. You aren’t.

Most men cannot handle your undivided attention on them when they have not committed to a romantic relationship yet.

It’s so important for you to understand that you need to keep your options open.

Romantic Fairy Godmomma Insider Secret: If you wanna draw in the most magical attention from men romantically, then you need to pay attention to men who treat you the way you wanna be treated.

Many women get caught up and hyper focused on a guy who is not paying attention to them at all.

What does that do? It leaves you feeling desperate all the time and when you are in that desperate energy, you’re not gonna be attractive to him. You’re gonna feel crazy and nutty all the time and that energy is actually gonna push him away.

When you start paying attention to the men that are treating you the way that you want to be treated, you are going to flip the situation and then all of a sudden his radar is gonna go off.

Men can feel when you’re having a great time with other men. They can feel it because you give off an energy of “Hey, guess what? I don’t need you to have an amazing life. I’d like you to be here but since you’re not, I’m gonna focus on men who are treating me the way I want to be treated.”, and that triggers something in them.

BONUS: You’ll learn to stop being addicted to men who constantly treat you poorly. This is so very important.

How To Make Him Miss YouIf you wanna be an adored woman, you have to focus your attention on the men who treat you the way you want to be treated. Period.

Otherwise, you’re gonna go through life, go through romantic relationship after romantic relationship and romantic encounter after romantic encounter always coming up feeling empty, disappointed,needy and clingy; which is not who you really are as a woman in romance.

You are so much more.

Remember: pay attention to the men who are treating you the way you want to be treated. If this guy has any substance or character at all, and if he’s supposed to be with you, then he’ll step up for you.

BY THE WAY: You don’t need to tell him about it. Never ever tell a guy about the other men that you are dating. We’re not trying to make guys jealous. Remember manipulation is not our agenda.

INSTEAD: We’re exploring who we are romantically as women and setting ourselves up so that we never have to settle.

Okay Lovergirl, remember in order to make him miss you, it’s your job to focus on what really matters. When you enjoy your life, when you make your life magical for yourself, and when you stop hyper focusing on men who don’t treat you the way that you want to be treated, you’ll actually create space for them to treat you better.

BUT more than likely, you’re gonna meet the man who meets you on every level that you’ve been dreaming of because you no longer have blinders on.

Take a breath and let that sink in for a moment.

Until the next #FairyDustTV episode…



BONUS: Want to get him back or figure out if he is worth the effort? Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS to Jenn’s How To Get Him Back for Breakups, Separations, or Romantic Bumps in the road


How To Make Him Miss You