listen up ! your love life will thank me later

I Am Mantourage Dating BUT Nobody Is Working Out! -Encore Single Smart Female

they go away Mantourage Dating™ is hands down the best way to kill your hyper-focus on one particular man. BUT what if the men you date get wind that you are dating others and disappear? Are you setting yourself up to fail?

Find out in this episode of Single Smart Female  


Important Links and Mentions in this Episode:
Learn to Mantourage Date™ the right way
Want to surprise Jenn and show Single Smart Female your love? XO!!!

READY TO TRULY UNDERSTAND MEN: Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS Jenn’s class on the only 9 things you need to know about men to create the love life that you want.

they go away

They Go Away Show Notes

Essential Learning Points from this Episode:
00:50 – Today’s listener question is from Ms I Love the Idea of Mantourage Dating™ but I can’t make it work right of California
03:31 – This is one of the reasons why Mantourage Dating™ seem to not work for you.
05:39 – When you hyperfocus on one man in your Mantourage™, this happens
07:48 – This is what happens when we focus on what he wants
10:09 – Your outcome with Mantourage Dating™ is exclusively dependent on the narratives you choose to believe and the actions you continue to take that will repeatedly confirm these narratives; so choose wisely.

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They Go Away