listen up ! your love life will thank me later

What If Mantourage Dating Doesn’t Excite Me Anymore? – Encore Single Smart Female

dating is not exciting Mantourage Dating is an experience to have, not a ‘to do’ list to complete. So what does it mean if things are going well, but you are bored?

Find out in this episode of Single Smart Female  


Important Links and Mentions in this Episode:
Learn the ins and outs of Mantourage Dating™
Want to surprise Jenn and show Single Smart Female your love? XO!!!

READY TO TRULY UNDERSTAND MEN: Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS Jenn’s class on the only 9 things you need to know about men to create the love life that you want.

dating is not exciting

Dating is Not Exciting Show Notes

Essential Learning Points from this Episode:
00:43 – Our listener question for today is from Ms Bored in the South who is 28 years old from Central Arkansas
02:29 – This is what Mantourage Dating™ is in reality
06:40 – Smart, successful women’s lives are always turning, but this is something we should never forget
09:14 – A lot goes into Mantourage Dating™, so this is very important to remember
09:57 – Mantourage Dating™ is a lifestyle experience. In order to get the most from Mantourage Dating™, you also should address what’s going on with the rest of your life.

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Dating is Not Exciting