listen up ! your love life will thank me later

Does Sexting Help With My Mantourage Dating Experience? – Encore Single Smart Female

too soon to sext It is always up to you to make your dating experiences exciting. Is sexting necessary?

Find out in this episode of Single Smart Female  


Important Links and Mentions in this Episode:
Mantourage Date™ the right way
Want to surprise Jenn and show Single Smart Female your love? XO!!!

READY TO TRULY UNDERSTAND MEN: Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS Jenn’s class on the only 9 things you need to know about men to create the love life that you want.

too soon to sext

Too Soon to Sext Show Notes

Essential Learning Points from this Episode:
00:45 – Today’s listener question is from Ms Focused and Feisty from Toronto, Canada
06:25 – Listen to this if you want to know what you should do with all that pent up sexual needs
08:00 – If for some reason you feel guilty or bad for having sexual desires, you should listen to this
09:45 – Sexting is not at all what most people make it out to be
– Sexting can be a part of a healthy Mantourage Dating™ experience. Just make sure that your sexuality isn’t the only piece he knows.

Listen on Youtube:

Too Soon to Sext