listen up ! your love life will thank me later

Are You Only There For Other Women Under These Circumstances? – Encore Single Smart Female

sisterhood We always want to be there for our girlfriends whenever they’re feeling down or when there’s something wrong; but what about the times when they’re not? Are you still there for them?

Find out in this episode of Single Smart Female  

Important Links and Mentions in this Episode:
Learn to become an Adored Woman
Want to surprise Jenn and show Single Smart Female your love? XO!!!

READY TO TRULY UNDERSTAND MEN: Click HERE to get FREE ACCESS Jenn’s class on the only 9 things you need to know about men to create the love life that you want.

Sisterhood Show Notes

Essential Learning Points from this Episode:
00:35 – Our quickie topic for today is something we women need to check to see if we are supporting our girlfriends the way we should
01:19 – No one wants to admit, but this is so very true
02:15 – Ask yourself this to know whether you are helping other women celebrate their lives
03:07 – This is what it is when we women are ripping each other apart when we are uncomfortable of other women’s successes
03:59 – Let’s admit it, you don’t like all women. Some women trigger you, but here’s what you need to hear

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