... sometimes smart successful single women need a romantic fairy godmomma too.

this all begins with you

As a smart ambitious woman, I know that you have a great work ethic, a good education, consider yourself at minimum reasonably attractive (if you don't you should) and are likely to have a great sense of humor. I also know that there is an overwhelming amount of candy-coated crap information out there from so-called dating experts that hasn't made a dent in your love life.

Why? Because everything that is going on in your love life IS NOT about him. It's about you. In fact, I want to teach you the only things you really need to know about men to create everything you want romantically.

I bet you are looking for direction with men

Which is my specialty and is why this entire site with it's
podcast/articles, (REALLY GOOD)
free resources, (EVEN BETTER)
and paid programs (ABSOLUTE BEST)
is dedicated and diligently put together to help you create the love life you really want.

All of this starts with dating. Specifically Mantourage Dating™

Simply put, Mantourage Dating™ is dating more than one man at a time until you find your 'Forever Man' or indefinitely if you so choose.

Mantourage Dating™ changes the rules of love in your favor forever.

NOTE: Mantourage Dating DOES NOT MEAN

You have to sleep or even should sleep with more than one man at a time.

You have to lie to men.

You are tricking men.

You are constantly breaking men’s hearts.

You are playing games with men.

become an Adored Woman

Mantourage Dating™ is the fastest way to become what we refer to in our community as an Adored Woman. Adored Women learn the ins and outs of Mantourage Dating™ in order to create love life she wants.

Adored Women feel powerful and more alive than the average woman. Why? Because we women are the driving force behind romance. We are a man's most influential force as well as his biggest weakness. Unfortunately, very few modern women understand how to embrace these facts and use them in the right way.

but you now have your very own romantic fairy godmomma

I am 100% dedicated to helping you create dating experiences that feel magically badass, whimsical, and lead to love.

No more:

Crowdsourcing your dating advice to friends who really don't know what to do (VERY BAD IDEA)

Being 'too much' for men (hint, you're not too much. Your approach to dating needs tweaking)

Feeling stuck on that one guy, you can't get out of your head

your love life is about to get really really good

Even if you hate dating.

Feel free to start here Single Lady