listen up ! your love life will thank me later

Why Successful Professional Women Suck At Dating

Gimme a L, Gimme an O, Gimme a V, E, R, G, I, R, L…

What’s that spell?…

Oh yes, you Lovergirl.

And guess what… it’s that time again! It’s Fairy Dust Friday. Just a mere 21 days before that oh-so-dreaded V. Day.

I know, I know what you are thinking…

Why in the heck Jenn, as the Romantic Fairy Godmother for Strong Successful Single Women, would you call it the ‘oh-so-dreaded’ V. Day?

Well simple: because I know that for many of you reading this who are single… V. Day can feel like a big ole pain in the arse. And it’s not so long after the holidays… Thanksgiving, Christmas and such. Another in-your-face reminder that you, yet again, do not have your Prince Charming.

So yeah, truthfully, I am excited it’s Fairy Dust Friday, and yet I’m a wee bit grumpy too. My mission, by all appearances, is to help women find love.

But more importantly, underneath that I help women discover who they are romantically, so they can draw in the love they want anytime.

Yet there are so many women I will never be able to help, and this without a doubt makes me grumpy, and a little sad.

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You see Lovergirl, all women are capable of experiencing this love.

And most women, (even the ones who think they suck at it), are really good at attracting men. (This is actually the easy part!) All women are also capable of drawing in a man to love, cherish, and adore them.

But, very few women actually know how to draw in a man to love, cherish, and adore them – that they are also insanely attracted to.

So two things happen…

Women settle
They lose their attraction and push him away.


Because the big secret that no one is really talking about is…

Women these days, especially successful women, are EXTRAORDINARILY UNCOMFORTABLE with being loved, cherished, and adored by a man they are insanely attracted to.

And then they fuck it up.

They start fights, they have affairs, they stop feeling attraction towards him, they do all kinds of crap to keep themselves from having what they really, truly want:

A soft place to land with a stable, attractive, adventurous man to share their life with.

So they never actually address the root cause of their messy or nonexistent love life.

Most of the time they blame it on men.

‘Oh, men are scared of strong women’
‘Oh there are no good men’
‘The nice ones aren’t attractive’
‘I just keep meeting guys that are too young, or too old, or too boring.’

…Never noticing the walls they are building around their heart,
the love and romance-less dungeon they actually have thrown themselves into.

And they stay there.

Every once in awhile they journey out, but they carry the dungeon with them.

He fights his way in.. but soon realizes he’ll have to climb these dungeon walls again and again and again and again.

And that idea bores him, because what he truly wants is to share an adventure with you – not repeatedly rescue you.

So when he gives up or turns his attention elsewhere…

You freak out and start again with…

‘Oh men are scared of strong women’
‘There are no good single attractive men my age’
‘Dating sucks.’

And you give up on what you truly want more than anything.


I ask you to try my magic spell and start to put yourself out there. You take only pieces of the spell that feel doable to you, and again, you only get half of the results you want.

This is the most potent magical spell that exists; it will show you how to have exactly what you want, and help you cure the biggest piece of the stuff that keeps you playing small romantically.

Most women say they play small because they are afraid of rejection.

But I know that’s not what it really is.

The biggest piece is that you are scared of having more male attention than you can manage. (And who could blame you, with everything you already have on your plate.)

Because then, that man who loves, adores, and cherishes you, the one that you are insanely attracted to, he will actually show up.

And then, that dungeon that you’ve so beautiful decorated and rationalized in your head, it would start to disappear.

And then, you will have to actually become comfortable with having everything you want romantically. And that scares the bejesus out of you.

So you continue to be there for everyone else.
You continue to push for your career success.
You continue decorating your dungeon.

And specifically not remembering that I have a magic spell that can help you have everything you want romantically AND be exactly who you want to be professionally & personally.

So tell me Lovergirl, are you ready to do some dungeon demolition?
